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Articles on Efforts to Make College More Affordable

Articles About the Cost and Affordability of College

Note: If links on this page are broken, please let me know via my contact page. I’ll check them and make sure they are removed or changed if needed. Sometimes a different browser or machine (phone vs. computer, for example) will lead to different results. If links really don’t work, try searching for articles you want to read using the reference info here. Links often change but titles and publishers shouldn’t.​


The resources below include blogs written by Dr. Weed, articles he has found about things like preparing to apply, choosing colleges, writing strong personal statements, making college affordable and worth your investment, the college environment, and more. All of the articles not by Dr. Weed are the author’s property. They represent the author’s views, not necessarily those of Dr. Weed.


Articles about the cost and affordability of college


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